smile =)

Friday, November 28, 2008


FTW la... but seriously wats FTW?
1) Opposite of WTF
2) Fuck the world
3) For the win
4) For the whole
5) For the whore

So, from now on i shall be using FTW all the way.. thats right la. It'll mean one of the above 5. unless there's more ?

Bali the bitch. He burnt my hair in mechanics class using his lighter. Mechanics already dam sien and i was like focused on wtf anuar talking la, suddenly i feel dam hot behind. wah dam smelly somemore. Whole classroom can smell. Ying Ying saw Bali with his lighter behind me, but she didnt want to tell me. Probably because she doesnt want me to steal Minho from her.
Result : There's a brown patch behind among my black hair. Thats wat they said. dam cool wei like mat cool kawanku. FTW la

And 2day i found out 2 people whose stalking skills are way better than mine. But their taste is very bad, as in sangat sangat sangat sangat teruk la, tastebuds not working i think.
Big Bang Boom. =_= FTW

Wei Kit's White Tiger is haunting me like crazy. OMG JUST cant imagine experiencing or even seeing that disgusting video. wtf wei. I mean ftw wei. The tiger ate the man , his legs detached and all.. EEEEEEEEEEEE . fuck, its in my mind la. nightmare la..


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